Meet Kova. I adopted her after the passing of my first Corgi, Mack. She is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with a tail. She was born September 5th, 2017 and she was rehomed with me on November 28th, 2020. She loves looking out windows, napping, sitting on laps, and going on car rides. She is definitely the Queen of the house. You can follow Kova @teamcorgibrand on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Mack is the Corgi behind Team Corgi. He was a petite Pembroke Welsh Corgi (with a majestic tail), but if you would've ask him, he would've told you he was giant German Shepherd. He was born sometime in April 2012 and I adopted him April 16th, 2016. He passed away suddenly on November 6th, 2020.
Mack loved to bark, eat, bark, watch TV, bark, hide under the bed, bark, look out the window, bark, go on car rides, bark, and cuddle. He had a huge and hilarious personality and will be greatly missed. He will be forever the reason for Team Corgi.